Insider Tips: San Antonio de Areco

Go:           68 miles (112km) west of Buenos Aires off Route 8.

How:     Hire a Remis (car and driver) – about US$50.00 one way.
Bus: Chevallier has daily service to/from Buenos Aires.
Parador Draghi ~       Matheu 380, Tel:2326-455583
Patio de Moreno ~   Moreno 251 S.A. de Areco, tel 2326-455197.
Antigua Casona ~       Segunda Sombra 495 tel 2325 15 684000
Estancia El Omb ú ~ Ruta 31 Cuartel 6.   Tel: 02326-492980.   Open Nov-March,   horseback riding, sulky rides, folk music pool. Three meals, wine and afternoon tea included. Need a car to get to Areco

Cafe de las Artes Bolivar 70,                                                       La Esquina de Merti ~ Plaza Arrelano 147. (left)  Tel: 2325/456-705
Almacen de Ramos Generales ~   Zapiola 143,   tel 0452961

SHOP ~ silver buckles, knives, jewelry, mates. Ponchos, hats, leather boots and belts, braided rawhide rope, reins, horse tack—everything for horse and gaucho.
Gustavo Stagnaro ~ Arellano & Matheu,
Miguel Rigacci ~ Belgrano 381
Draghi Museum and shop ~Arellano 45 Camilo Fiore~hand-crafted leather boots, belts Av, Vieytes 632

NIGHT LIFE Puesto la Lechusa ~ Costanera Aquiles Pazzaglia     Tel 02326-454542.   This pulperí­a, built in 1890, is where the gauchos went in search of food, music and camaraderie.   A guitar was always available, and the man who played it drank as a guest of the house.   Go there for the atmosphere, especially a “guitarreada” (guitar playing, singing by various guests).   Don’t miss   the photos of local gauchos.

NICE TO KNOW: Ricardo Gí¼iraldes’ (1886-1927) literary classic, Don Segundo Sombra (1926), in which Gí¼iraldes elevates the gaucho from outlaw to a man of honor, was inspired by don Segundo Ramirez, a wrangler on Gí¼iraldes’ father’s ranch near San Antonio de Areco.   Both the author and Don Segundo are buried in the town cemetery.
Museo Gauchesco Ricardo Gí¼iraldes ~ In the Parque Criollo. Open-11-5, closed Tues   tel-02326 45-5839 (   contains items related to gaucho life, folklore and the literary past of Don Segundo and Guiraldes.   Paintings by Alberto Guí¯raldes (Ricardo’s cousin) depict scenes of rural life.
Museum Las Lilas ~ 279 Moreno Thurs-Sunday 10-8Pm Molina Campos-art gallery
Tourist Office (Direccií³n de Turismo) Zerboni & Arellano. Tel/fax : 02326-453165