Go: 68 miles (112km) west of Buenos Aires off Route 8.
How: Hire a Remis (car and driver) – about US$50.00 one way.
Bus: Chevallier has daily service to/from Buenos Aires.
Hotel Draghi ~ Matheu 380, Tel:2326-455583 info@hoteldraghi.com
Patio de Moreno ~ Moreno 251 S.A. de Areco, tel 2326-455197. www.patiomoreno.com
Antigua Casona ~ Segunda Sombra 495 tel 2325 15 684000 www.antiguacasona.com
Estancia El Ombú ~ Ruta 31 Cuartel 6. Tel: 02326-492980. Open Nov-March, horseback riding, sulky rides, folk music pool. Three meals, wine and afternoon tea included. Need a car to get to Areco www.estanciaombu.com
Cafe de las Artes Bolivar 70, La Esquina de Merti ~ Plaza Arrelano 147. (left) Tel: 2325/456-705
Almacen de Ramos Generales ~ Zapiola 143, tel 0452961
SHOP ~ silver buckles, knives, jewelry, mates. Ponchos, hats, leather boots and belts, braided rawhide rope, reins, horse tack—everything for horse and gaucho.
Gustavo Stagnaro ~ Arellano & Matheu,
Miguel Rigacci ~ Belgrano 381
Draghi Museum and shop ~ Arellano 45 Camilo Fiore~hand-crafted leather boots, belts Av, Vieytes 632
NIGHT LIFE Puesto la Lechusa ~ Costanera Aquiles Pazzaglia Tel 02326-454542. This pulpería, built in 1890, is where the gauchos went in search of food, music and camaraderie. A guitar was always available, and the man who played it drank as a guest of the house. Go there for the atmosphere, especially a “guitarreada” (guitar playing, singing by various guests). Don’t miss the photos of local gauchos.
NICE TO KNOW: Ricardo Güiraldes’ (1886-1927) literary classic, Don Segundo Sombra (1926), in which Güiraldes elevates the gaucho from outlaw to a man of honor, was inspired by don Segundo Ramirez, a wrangler on Güiraldes’ father’s ranch near San Antonio de Areco. Both the author and Don Segundo are buried in the town cemetery.
Museo Gauchesco Ricardo Güiraldes ~ In the Parque Criollo. Open-11-5, closed Tues tel-02326 45-5839 (www.museoguiraldes.com.ar contains items related to gaucho life, folklore and the literary past of Don Segundo and Guiraldes. Paintings by Alberto Güiraldes (Ricardo’s cousin) depict scenes of rural life.
Museum Las Lilas ~ 279 Moreno Thurs-Sunday 10-8Pm Molina Campos-art gallery
Tourist Office (Dirección de Turismo) Zerboni & Arellano. Tel/fax : 02326-453165
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